Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cakap memang senang..terbaeek!!!...Anugerah Tuhan la katakan...

Cakap memang senang..terbaeek!!!...Anugerah Tuhan la katakan...

tapi..setakat cakap je la anugerah yg diperolehi...

Bab : Pelaksanaan? Moral? Prinsip? Tuhan itu maha mengetahui lagi maha mengadili....

Tak payah la cakap lagi atau berdebat.....

Rakyat telah SEDAR....Rakyat telah MUAK..Rakyat telah BOSAN...

Dengan janji-janji MANIS, harapan PALSU, cita-cita KOTOR sebelum berkuasa.
Jika berkuasa MALAYSIA ditanganya...
mungkin jadi markas tentera negara barat,
mungkin jadi pak turut kpd bangsa lain,
mungkin jadi seperti negara-negara ARAB yang kaya hasil bumi tetapi takut utk membela AGAMA, BANGSA & TANAH AIR sendiri.

Alhamdulilah, Kerajaan memerintah BARISAN NASIONAL TIDAK menggadaikan AGAMA, BANGSA & TANAH AIR.




  1. Barisan Nasional (BN) is but a human party. It has several weakness and flaws. However, compared to other major parties in our country (PAS, PKR, DAP), BN is better than them. About the people who join the opposition, it's just because they are frustrated with the current government due to they don't get help from them, thus join the opposition party. It's due to the fact that government can't aid all of the people in this country, because of the reason I have listed at my first and second sentences.

  2. penerangan yang baik bro..
    terbaik boboiboy!
